Gomel - XVIII-9 (transliterated)

Gomel - XVIII-9

  • Year: 1922
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  • Courtesy of the Library of Congress. Maps may not be used commercially. Public use or display should attribute the source.


Sources on Jewish communities in this section:


Гoмeль  Homyel' [Bel], Gomel' [Rus], Homl [Yid], Homel [Pol, Ger], Gomelis [Lith], Homlye, Homiel  

JewishGen Locality Page


Ветка  Vyetka [Bel], Vetka [Rus], Viatka [Yid], Wietka [Pol], Vietka

JewishGen Locality Page


Добруш  Dobrush [Rus], Dobruš [Bel], Dobruż [Pol]  

JewishGen Locality Page


Уваровичи  Uvarovichi [Rus], Uvarovitchi [Yid], Uvaravičy [Bel], Uwarowicze [Pol], Uvaravichy

JewishGen Locality Page


Носовичи  Nosovichi [Rus], Nasovičy [Bel], Nosevitsh [Yid], Nosowicze [Pol], Nasovichy

JewishGen Locality Page


Речица  Rechytsa [Bel], Rechitsa [Rus], Retshitse [Yid], Rzeczyca [Pol], Rečyca [Bel, Lith], Retschyza [Ger], Rechysta, Rechytsia,

Retchytsa, Retchitsa, Ryechitsa, Riechetsy

JewishGen Locality Page