Lutsk - XXI-4

  • Year: 1890
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  • Courtesy of the Library of Congress. Maps may not be used commercially. Public use or display should attribute the source.


Sources on Jewish communities in this section:


Луцкъ  Luts'k [Ukr], Łuck [Pol], Lutzk [Yid], Lutsk [Rus], Luzk [Ger], Luc'k, Luytsk  

JewishGen Locality Page

Brockhaus-Efron Jewish Encyclopedia


Киверцы  Kivertsi [Ukr], Kiwerce [Pol], Kivertzi [Yid], Kivertsy [Rus], Kiwirce, Kivertse  

JewishGen Locality Page


Клевань  Klevan' [Rus, Ukr], Klewań [Pol], Klevan [Yid], Klevany [Hun]  

JewishGen Locality Page

Brokhaus-Efron Jewish Encyclopedia  Klevan - in the era of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, a city in the Volyn Voivodeship, Lutsk

Povet. Jews are mentioned in a document of 1563. In 1766, there were 973 Jewish poll tax payers, including Jews from the parishes

subordinate to the Klevan kahal. 

Nowadays (1910) it is a town in the Rivne district of the Volyn province. According to the revision of 1847 the Klevan Jewish community 

consisted of 1,187 souls. According to the 1897 census, the population in K. was 3,739, of which 2,432 were Jews.


Колки  Kolky [Ukr], Kolki [Rus], Kołki [Pol], Kolke [Yid], Kolk [Yid, Ger]  

JewishGen Locality Page

Brochaus-Efron Jewish Encyclopedia  Kolki - in the era of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, a town in the Volyn Voivodeship, Lutsk Povet. 

Jews who lived here in the first half of the 17th century suffered during the Khmelnytskyi period. In 1650, 6 Jews remained with intact houses.

Nowadays (~1910) it is a town in the Lutsk district of the Volyn province. According to the revision of 1847 “Kolk. Jewish community" consisted

of 1,593 souls; according to the 1897 census in K. there were 4,394 inhabitants, of which 2,537 were Jews.


Осова  Osova [Rus, Ukr], Osowa Wyszka [Pol]  

JewishGen Locality Page

Brockhaus-Efron Jewish Encyclopedia


Копачевка  Kopachivka [Ukr], Kopachovka [Rus], Kopaczówka [Pol], Kopachevka, Kopaczewka, Kopachuvka Nova  

JewishGen Locality Page


Рожище  Rozhyshche [Ukr], Rozhishche [Rus], Rożyszcze [Pol], Rozhishtch [Yid], Rozhishch, Rozishtchov, Roschyschtsche, Rozishts  

JewishGen Locality Page

Brockhaus-Efron Jewish Encyclopedia  Rozhishche is a town in Volyn province, Lutsk district. According to the revision of 1847 “Rozhishchsk

Jewish community" consisted of 702 souls. According to the 1897 census, there were 3,830 inhabitants in R., of which 3,169 were Jews.


Трофимброд  (Трохимброд) Zof'yuvka [Rus], Zofjówka [Pol], Trokhymbrid [Ukr], Sofievka, Sofiovka, Sofiyevka, Trochenbrod,

Trochinbrod, Trokhinbrod, Trophimbrod, Trokhnibrod, Zofiówka, Zofiuvka  

JewishGen Locality Page


Дережно  Derazhne [Ukr], Derazhno [Rus], Derażne [Pol], Derazhna [Yid], Deraźne

JewishGen Locality Page


Мачулки  Mochulki [Rus], Moczułki [Pol], Mochulky [Ukr]  ( a tiny place east-south east of T'suman, 6 miles SE of Derazhne)

JewishGen Locality Page


Сокуль   Sokil [Ukr], Sokul [Pol], Sokol [Rus], Sokul'  

JewishGen Locality Page


Олыка  Olyka [Rus, Ukr], Ołyka [Pol], Olik [Yid], Olika  

JewishGen Locality Page

Brockhaus-Efron Jewish Encyclopedia  Olyka  - in the era of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, a town in the Volyn Voivodeship,

Lutsk Povet. According to one piece of information, Jews who fled from Ukraine settled in O. around 1655, although it is possible that

there was a Jewish settlement here before. On June 10, 1655, when Ukrainian Jews who had fled here were burying the first dead of

their fellow countryman, they were attacked by a crowd of drunken people; those accompanying the funeral procession were beaten,

and the corpse of the deceased was thrown out of the coffin. A complaint against the thugs was submitted by an Olyka schoolboy for

entry into the Lutsk city books. In 1702, the Chancellor of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Prince Charles Stanislaw Radziwill, to whom

O. belonged, issued a general rule prohibiting O. Jews from keeping Christian servants. Kings John Sobieski and August II granted the

O. kahal the right to gather, like other large Volyn kahals, every three years for a sejmik in O. in order to, together with rabbis and judges

elected from among them, deliberate on the common affairs of the Jews subordinate to the kahal in A. At other sejmiks of the Volyn

Synagogue, community delegates should not undertake anything and, in particular, distribute taxes without a rabbi and “senior judges

of the Olytskyi.” These rights were violated by Fishel Leibovich, the Jewish clerk general in the Crown; The syndic of the Olytsky Kahal,

Mikhel Moshkovich, protested against him in 1703 (see details in Regesta, II, No. 1377). In 1765, there were 646 poll tax payers in the

Kahal and its parishes.

Nowadays (1910) it is a town in the Volyn province of Dubensky districtAccording to the revision of 1847 “Olyk. Jewish community" consisted

of 2,381 souls. According to the 1897 census, there were 4,210 inhabitants in O., among whom 2,606 were Jews. — In 1855, due to the fire,

the Highest order was issued to issue loans to the victims from the treasury “during the presence of the most honorable elders of the

Olyka Jewish Society.”