Marienhausen - VIII-6

  • Year: 1867
  • Zoom viewer
  • Full file view (downloadable) (right-click to 'save as')
  • Courtesy of the Library of Congress. Maps may not be used commercially. Public use or display should attribute the source.

Marienhausen - VIII-6 (transliterated)

  • Year: 1915
  • Zoom viewer
  • Full file view (downloadable) (right-click to 'save as')
  • Courtesy of the Library of Congress. Maps may not be used commercially. Public use or display should attribute the source.


Sources on Jewish Communities in this section:


Мариенгаузенъ  Viļaka [Latv], Vilyaka [Rus], Viliaki [Yid], Marienhausen [Ger], Viliaka [Lith], Maryenhauz [Pol], Marynauza

JewishGen Locality Page


Боловскъ  Balvi [Latv], Bolovsk [Rus], Bołowsk [Pol], Bolwen [Ger], Bulavai [Yid], Balvai [Lith], Bolvi, Balvy, Bolwa

JewishGen Locality Page


Балтиново  Baltinava [Latv], Baltinove [Yid], Baltinowo [Ger], Baltynów [Pol], Baltinova [Rus], Baltinoveh  

JewishGen Locality Page


Альтъ Шваненбургъ  Gulbene [Latv], Shvanenburg [Rus], Schwanenburg [Ger], Gulbenė [Lith], Gulben [Pol], Kuľbina, Shvaneburg,

Schwaneburg; Alt-Schwaneburg, Staro-Gulbene, Vecgulbene

JewishGen Locality Page