Skrygalovo - XIX-7

  • Year: 1888
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  • Courtesy of the Library of Congress. Maps may not be used commercially. Public use or display should attribute the source.

Skrygalovo - XIX-7 (transliterated)


Sources on Jewish Communities in this section:


Сцрыгаловъ  Skrygalovo [Rus], Skrihalov [Yid], Skryhałaŭ [Bel], Skryhałów [Pol], Skrigalovo

 JewishGen Locality Page


Петриково  Pyetrykaw [Bel], Petrikov [Rus, Yid], Petryków [Pol], Pietrykaŭ, Petrykau, Petrikovo, Petrikev

JewishGen Locality Page


Лельчицы  Lyel’chytsy [Bel], Lel’chitsy [Rus], Leltchitz [Yid], Lelczyce [Pol], Leltzitz, Lelčycy

JewishGen Locality Page


Мелешковичи  Meleshkovichi [Rus], Myaleshkavichy [Bel], Mieleszkiewicze [Pol], Meleshkevichi, Mileshkovichi, Mjaleskavicy

JewishGen Locality Page