Baranovka - XXX-24

  • Year: 1910
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  • Courtesy of the Library of Congress. Maps may not be used commercially. Public use or display should attribute the source.


Sources on Jewish communities in this section:


Барановка  Baranivka [Ukr], Baranovka [Rus, Yid], Baranówka [Pol], Baronovka, Baraniwka, Baronefke  

JewishGen Locality Page

Brockhaus-Efron Jewish Encyclopedia


Рогачев  Rohachiv [Ukr], Rogachëv [Rus], Ratchiv [Yid], Rohaczów [Pol], Ratchev, Rogaczew, Rogaczow, Ragatchev, Rohaczew,

Rohatchov, Rohaciv

JewishGen Locality Page


Каменный-Брод  Kam'yanyi Brid [Ukr], Kamennyy Brod [Rus], Kameny Brod [Yid], Kammeny Bród [Pol], Bród Kamienny, Kamenni-Brod,

Kammeny Brod, Kam'janyj Brid, Kam”yanyy Brid, Kamenbrod

JewishGen Locality Page


Кол. Довбышъ  Dovbysh [Rus, Ukr], Markhlevsk [Rus, 1927-35], Shchors'k [Rus, 1939-44], Dovbish, Dołbysz, Dowbysz

JewishGen Locality Page


Соколоьъ  Sokoliv [Ukr], Sokolov [Rus], Sokołów [Pol]  (in the extreme NE corner of the map)

JewishGen Locality Page