Dombrovitsa - XXV-21

  • Year: 1911
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  • Courtesy of the Library of Congress. Maps may not be used commercially. Public use or display should attribute the source.



Sources on Jewish communities in this section:


Дубровица  Dubrovytsia [Ukr], Dubrovitsa [Rus], Dąbrowica [Pol], Dombrovitza [Yid], Dubrowyzja [Ger], Dombrovitsa, Dubrowica,


JewishGen Locality Page

Brockhaus-Efron Jewish Encyclopedia  Dombrovitsy is a town in the Rivne district of the Volyn province. In 1847 “Dombrov.

Jewish communityamounted to 1,910 souls; in 1897 there were 6,007, of which 2,868 were Jews. There is a synagogue and

a bet-hamidrash, which are 200 years old, and three Hasidic prayer houses, of which “Stolinskaya” has existed for about 100

years. The oldest grave dates back to the 16th century;  there is a grave of a woman killed during the pogrom of 1884. The Chevra

Kadisha has been recording a pinkus since 1500. (written ca. 1910)


Высоцкъ  Vysotsk [Rus], Wysock [Pol], Visotzk [Yid], Vysots'k [Ukr], Visotsk, Vysoc'k

JewishGen Locality Page