Grodno - XVII-15


Sources on Jewish settlements in this section:


Гродно  Grodno [Pol, Rus], Grodne [Yid], Hrodna [Bel], Gardinas [Lith], Garten [Ger], Hurodno [Yid], Horodne

JewishGen Locality Page of Livelihood Yizkor Book


Кузница   Kuźnica [Pol], Kuzhnitze [Yid], Kuznitza [Rus], Kuzhnitza, Kuzhnitsa, Kuzhnets, Kuźnica Białostocka

 JewishGen Locality Page


Locations in this section from the gazetteer: Where Once We Walked (2002), Avotaynu Inc.


Lososno (Lososna)*



*Spelling in parentheses as on map.