Kossovo - XX-18


Sources on locations in this section from the JewishGen Communities database:


Косово  Kosava [Bel], Kossovo [Rus], Kossów [Pol], Kosov [Yid], Kosovas [Lith], Kosov Polski, Kosów Poleski, Kosow, Kossov,

Kossuv, Mereszowszczyzna

JewishGen Locality page

Brockhaus-Efron Jewish Encyclopedia  Kossovo is a posad in Slonim district of Grodno province. In 1847 “Kossovo Jewish community"

consisted of 985 souls; in 1897 there were 3,092 in K., of which 2,028 were Jews.



Locations in this section from the gazetteer: Where Once We Walked (2002), Avotaynu Inc.


Kolozuby, Khoroshcha, Nowosiolki