Myadel - XII-22

  • Year: 1925
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  • Courtesy of the Library of Congress. Maps may not be used commercially. Public use or display should attribute the source.


Sources on Jewish settlements in this section:


Мядел  Miadzieł [Bel], Miadzioł [Pol], Myadel [Rus], Myadl [Yid], Medilas [Lith], Mjadzel, Myadzyel, Miadysol, Miadzoł Nowy,

Novyy Myadel', Myadzel Novyy, Myadzel-Novoye

JewishGen Locality Page


Locations in this section from the gazetteer: Where Once We Walked (2002), Avotaynu Inc.


Yushkevichi, Luk'yanovichi, Svatki