Novo Mesto - X-10

  • Year: 1913
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  • Courtesy of the Library of Congress. Maps may not be used commercially. Public use or display should attribute the source.


Sources on Jewish settlements in this section:


Pale of Settlement (Rossieny dist.)


Новое-Мьсто  Žemaičių Naumiestis [Lith], Neishtat Sugind [Yid], Aleksandrovsk [Rus 1884-1918], Neustadt Sugind [Ger],

Ir Chadash Sugind [Heb], Nowe Miasto [Pol], Nishtot Tavrig, Neishtat, Aleksandria, Naumiestis-Taurage, Žemaitiu Naumiestis, Novo Mesto

JewishGen Locality Page


East Prussia 


Геидекругъ  Šilutė [Lith], Heydekrug [Ger], Haidekrug [Yid], Szyłokarczma [Pol], Shilute, Heydekrug-Matzicken, Heidekrug

JewishGen Locality Page