Shirvinty - XI-18

  • Year: 1915
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  • Courtesy of the Library of Congress. Maps may not be used commercially. Public use or display should attribute the source.


Sources on Jewish settlements in this section:


Ширвинты  Širvintos [Lith], Shirvint [Yid], Shirvinty [Rus], Szyrwinty [Pol], Schirwindt [Ger], Širvintų, Širvintas, Širvintai, Shirvintos,

Shirvintay, Shervint  

JewishGen Locality Page


Гедроици  Giedraičiai [Lith], Gedroitsy [Rus], Gedrovitz [Yid], Giedrojcie [Pol], G'yedraychay, Giyedraychyay, Giedraièių, Gedroytse,

Gedraychay, Gedrevitsh, Gedrevitz

JewishGen Locality Page


Шешоли  Šešuoliai [Lith], Sheshol [Yid], Shesholi [Rus], Szeszole [Pol], Sheshvil [Yid], Sheshvill, Sušuoliai, Sheshuolyay, Šešuolių,

Šašuoliai, Soshly

JewishGen Locality Page


Позельви  Želva [Lith], Podzelve [Yid], Pozel've [Rus], Pozelwa [Pol], Pazelva, Pazhevla, Podzelva, Podzhelve, Zelwa, Zelve, Žēlva,

Zhelva, Zhyalva, Želvo

JewishGen Locality Page Yizkor Book


Locations in this section from the gazetteer: Where Once We Walked (2002), Avotaynu Inc.


Bastunai, Videniskiai, Misniunai, Matukai