Starokonstantinov - XXXII-23

  • Year: 1908
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Starokonstantinov - XXXII-23


Sources on Jewish Communities in this section:


Староконстантинов  Starokostyantyniv [Ukr], Starokonstantinov [Rus], Konstantin Yashan [Heb], Starokonstantynów [Pol],

Olt-Kosntin [Yid], Staro-Konstantinov, Stary Konstantynów  

JewishGen Locality Page

Brockhaus-Efron Jewish Encyclopedia  Starokonstantinov was a city in the era of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the Volyn

Voivodship, Kremenets District. Being a lively commercial center with special fairs and enjoying the right to have warehouses for goods

going from Lithuania to Podolia, Wallachia and Turkey, S. seems to have attracted Jews back in the first half of the 17th century, if not earlier.

For the first time we learn about Jews in S. during the Khmelnitsky era. On July 26, 1648, Cossacks under Krivonos were beaten by

Poles near S. (according to Hanover, under Vishnevetsky). Soon, however, Cossacks appeared again, and Prince Vyshnevetsky,

fearing in case of a siege of the city treasonous intercourse of burghers with Cossacks, left the city with an army and wealthier Jews,

who had managed to stock up on horses. After this, the Cossacks invaded the city (it was on Tuesday, the day of the ninth of Av) and

killed Catholics, Arians, and up to three thousand Jews. Among the murdered were, according to Hanover's testimony, P. Asher, the rabbi

of Polotsk, and other scholars. With the restoration of peaceful life in Volhynia, the community was formed again. The haidamak movement

which began in 1702 brought it new trials. We read in the Kremenets Town Court in 1703 by two representatives (Jewish and Christian) of

the town of S. that in 1702 Cossacks attacked the town three times and completely ruined it, while a Polish army going on a campaign

against them put the finishing touches on the town and as a result it was not able to pay taxes. According to the census of 1765 in S.,

Novy Konstantinov and neighboring villages 1,801 Jews lived there. The royal privilege of 1766 introduced two two-week fairs.

Today (1906-13) it is a district town of Volyn province. According to the tax books of 1802, there are no christian merchants; Jewish merchants

-17; Christians burghers 220; Jewish burghers 2,036. According to the 1847 census there were the following Jewish communities:

Starokonstantinovska- 6,661 souls; Krasilovska - 1,737; Teofipolskoe - 1,712; Volochinskoe - 1,516; Kuzminskoe - 641; Basilskoe - 924;

Kupelskoe - 1,170; Kulchinskoe- 1,281; Ozhigovetskoe 554. According to the census of 1897 there are about 200 thousand inhabitants

in the county, among them 27,785 Jews; in S. there were 16,300 inhabitants, of whom 9,212 were Jews. Of the county settlements with at

least 500 inhabitants, the Jews are represented in the largest percentage of the local population in the following settlements: Bazalia -

inhabitants 3,362, 820 of which are Jews. Volochisk - 6,716 and 3,295: Krasilov - 6,994 and 2,563; Kuzmin - 3,368 and 830; Kulchins

- 4,335 and 2,031; Kupel - 4,333 and 2,727; Ozhigovtsy - 1,406 and 154; Teofipol - 4,484 and 2,914. There is (1910) a one-class Jewish

elementary school (state) and a talmud-torah.


Грицев  Hritsiv [Ukr], Gritsev [Rus], Ritzev [Yid], Hryców [Pol], Hryciv, Haritzev, Ritzov, Grıtsiv, Gricev, Grizew  

JewishGen Locality Page

Brockhaus-Efron Jewish Encyclopedia  Gritsev is a town (mestechko) in the Zaslavsky district of the Volyn province. In 1847 “Gritz. Heb. 

society” were 1,194 souls; in 1897 lived 1,011, of which 979 were Jews. There are three chapels: bet-hamidrash from 1839, the rest from

1845 and 1850, two Hasidic chapels from 1871 and 1900. Collection reaches 1,700 rubles.


Острополь  Ostropil' [Ukr], Ostropol' [Rus], Ostropolia [Yid], Esterpolye, Osterpolye, Staryy Ostropil, Staryj Ostropil  

JewishGen Locality Page

Brockhaus-Efron Jewish Encyclopedia  Ostropol - in the era of the Commonwealth, the town of Volyn Voivodeship. According to legend, the

Cossacks defeated the Jews here in 1648 (see Ostropoler, Samson). O. has preserved an old wooden synagogue built in the 17th century. 

In 1765 there were 122 Jews (58 in O. and 64 in the new O.).

Now - (1906-13) the town of Volyn province, Novogradvolynsky district. According to the revision of 1847, the "Ostropol Jewish community"

consisted of 1,417 souls. According to the 1897 census, O. had 7,505 inhabitants, including 2,714 Jews. Available (1910): Talmud Torah and

a private primary Jewish men's school.