Surazh - XX-13


Sources on locations in this section from the JewishGen Communities database:


Суражъ   Suraż [Pol], Surazh [Rus, Yid]

JewishGen Locality Page


Лапы   Łapy [Pol], Lapy [Yid, Rus]  (only the Lapy train station is listed on the map)

JewishGen Locality Page


Соколы   Sokoły [Pol], Sokoli [Yid], Sokoly [Rus], Sekole

ewishGen Locality Page Yizkor Book


Locations in this section from the gazetteer: Where Once We Walked (2002), Avotaynu Inc.


Gasovka Oleksin, Lapy Dembowina, Pietkowo, Wypychi (Vypikhi), Ignatki, Gasowka Skvarki, Noski-Snietne, Zdrody,

Jablon Dambrowa, Dworaki, Liza Stara, Hodyszewo, Sciony