Yarmolintsy - XXXV-22

  • Year: 1907
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  • Courtesy of the Library of Congress. Maps may not be used commercially. Public use or display should attribute the source.


Sources on Jewish communities in this section:


Ярмолинцы  Yarmolyntsi [Ukr], Yarmolintsy [Rus], Yarmolintza [Yid], Jarmolińce [Pol], Jarmolinzy, Jarmolynci, Yarmelinitz

JewishGen Locality Page

Brockhaus-Efron Jewish Encyclopedia  Yarmolynce - in the era of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, a town in Podolsk

Voivodeship. In 1765 there were 293 Jews.

Nowadays (1910) it is a town in Podolsk province, Proskurovsky district. According to the revision of 1847, the Yarmolynets Jewish

community consisted of 1,356 souls. In 1897 there were 5,298 total in Y. and among them 2,633 Jews.


Шаровка  Sharovka [Rus, Yid], Sharivka [Ukr

JewishGen Locality Page


Фрамполь  Kosohirka [Ukr], Kosogorka [Rus], Frampol' [Rus], Franpol [Pol]  

JewishGen Locality Page


Солобковцы  Solobkovtsy [Rus], Slobkovitz [Yid], Solobkivtsi [Ukr], Sołodkowce [Pol], Solobkivci, Sołobkowce, Salobkovtsy,


JewishGen Locality Page


Зиньков  Zin'kiv [Ukr], Zin'kov [Rus], Zinkov [Yid], Zińków [Pol], Zinkev, Zinkovtsy

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