Zhitomir - XXX-26

  • Year: 1913
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  • Courtesy of the Library of Congress. Maps may not be used commercially. Public use or display should attribute the source.



Sources on Jewish communities in this section:


Житомир  Zhytomyr [Ukr], Zhitomir [Rus, Yid], Żytomierz [Pol], Schytomyr [Ger], Žytomyr, Žitomir, Shitomir, Jitomir  

JewishGen Locality Page

Brockhaus-Efron Jewish Encyclopedia  Zhitomir (Żytomierz) was the main city of the district of the same name in the Kiev province in the

era of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Jews began to settle, apparently, in the early 18th century, In the second half of the 18th

century the Jewish population increased as follows: in 1765 - 346 Jews (460 in the Kagal district), in 1775 - 429 (550), in 1778 - 419 (603),

in 1784 - 540 (736) and in 1787 - 758 (917). In 1789 the Jews, numbering 882, constituted almost a third of the total population

(30 tavern-keepers, 42 tinkers, 26 merchants, 48 artisans, 40 servants, 15 beggars); they owned 253 houses (Christians 505). The

town magistrate complained to the auditors (census takers?) in 1787 that the Jews never enjoyed the right of residence in the town

and only under the protection of the headmen became a settled element in Zhitomir.; they started building a synagogue near the market,

paid a tribute of 1,000 zlot. for their houses, which is less than 10 zlot. per house, while Christians paid 24 zlot.; the Jews also had their

workshops, etc. The complaints were not successful. In 1791, there were 1,261 Jews. Hasidism flourished here in the late 18th century. 


Черняхов  Chernyakhov [Rus], Chernyachiv [Ukr], Chernichov [Yid], Czerniachów [Pol], Tschernjachow [Ger], Cherniakhov, Cernjachiv  

JewishGen Locality Page

Brockhaus-Efron Jewish Encyclopedia